As first reported by WDHN, Coffee County police in Alabama have a horrific rape case on their hands, and it should alarm any American. 23-year-old Pablo Mendoza is in custody following a short investigation; police have charged him with the alleged rape of a 14-year-old girl. Per the complaint filed in Coffee County on the day of his arrest, Mendoza had sex with the girl who was incapable of consent due to her being “physically helpless or mentally incapacitated.”
Occurring on February 20th, it took the police until March 25th to identify and then arrest the man. Confirmed by Sheriff Scott Byrd to be in the country illegally, he is now being held without bond and faces an Aniah’s Law hearing with Judge Joshua Wilson.
Written in memory of Aniah Blanchard, it is the first Amendment to Section 16 of the Alabama Constitution. While Section 16 says bail shall be made available for all crimes except capital offenses, and it shall not be punitive, this changes that. Instead, now serious crimes, including violent and sexual ones, can have the accused held without bail. Done to help prevent them from being bailed out and then reoffending, these lawmakers saw what happened to Aniah in 2019 and wanted to ensure it never happened again.
For Mendoza, once his case is concluded he will be heading back to his home country compliments of the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Lately, ICE hasn’t been deporting illegals at the rates and numbers we’d like to be seeing. So now the big question will be if they will bother with him, or if he’ll just be treated like any other catch and release illegal.