It never fails that the lowest of the low somehow slip through the cracks and serve to give people doing great things a bad reputation. Dallas, TX Police Department (DPD) had their officer Sergeant Thomas Fry under investigation as of October 2022 over allegations of official misconduct. What they found shocked even the most seasoned detectives.
Assigned to the Southeast Patrol Division of the DPD during that time, they discovered he had stolen three firearms between August 2021 and July 2022. Charged with three counts of stealing a firearm, he now faces state felony charges. Turning himself into Mesquite, TX police, he put little fuss about the charges and looked ready to burst into tears in his mugshot.
While most recently assigned to lowly detention services while being investigated, it’s unfortunate he’s now being locked in with the very people he was guarding. Unless he did favors for those already locked up while he was still tarnishing a badge, he has a long time ahead of him with a lot of painful memories to be made.
Surprisingly, DPD has not yet revealed where Fry got his hands on the weapons. Given the potential for him to have taken them from crimes that have been committed, it could potentially cast a shadow on the DPD chain of custody. One that could make any arrest he had a hand in could now be up for review. If they were firearms from the DPD armory, then there is a question about how secure they have been keeping their firearms and raises the question about what else could be missing.
No matter how he got the firearms he stole or who they belonged to first, he has caused irreparable harm to the DPD and those who wear the badge with honor.