The drones doing the bidding of President Joe Biden have been busy devising new and interesting ways to keep the illegals in the US. Now, immigration judges have allowed over 200k illegals to stay in the country after the feds failed to file the paperwork. Announced in a report from the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC), this is a rather clear-cut case of the Biden administration doing whatever they want and ignoring what they are supposed to do.
According to the TRAC report, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is obligated to provide a Notice to Appear (NTA) to illegals they want to send home. By failing to issue that NTA in multiple instances, DHS officials left judges’ hands tied when it was time for a scheduled hearing in immigration court. Ultimately forcing a dismissal, the illegals walked right back out, and the process started again from scratch.
What the report outlined should deeply concern every American. “Troubling is the almost total lack of transparency on where and why these DHS failures occurred. Equally troubling is the lack of solid information on what happened to these many immigrants when DHS never rectified its failure by reissuing and filing new NTAs to restart their Court cases.”
For context, DHS only failed to file an NTA properly in 4% of cases between 2017 and 2020. Since Biden took office that number jumped to 12% as of 2022. Of that, 50% of the cases in certain Florida and Texas cities have been thrown out under Biden. Meanwhile, cities inside California, New Jersey, and Washington have come in at just 4%.
By hook or by crook, the Biden administration is finding any excuse it can to keep people here, legal or not.